Thursday, November 29, 2007

progress.... slowly is better than standing still

So the progress is coming, but slowly. I have decided that I am going to do my paper on body image and how it leads to plastic surgery and other body modifications. I think the way I am going to approach it is tlaking about body image in the media and how it affects young girls, (or women in general) and then talk about plastic surgery as an option, and if it should be allowed/ legal/ easy to get done/ able to get done when under 18 even with parental consent. I will have to do more research to be able to decide which of these I will focus on.

I think the main reason that I want to do this topic, besides the fact that I will be able to gather a lot of research, is that I am a girl of the age that the media is targeting. (shocking I know) The media and advertising prey on the insucurities of teenage girls to sell their products or to get them to watch their shows. The paper will not have apathy if I talk about this because it affects me.

1 comment:

Elise Carter said...

I like this topic, you know just the other day I was watching Doctor 90210, and I was surprised to see what lengths women would go to to change their bodies. I was disgusted to see that one woman was willing to sell a gorgeous house in the mountains, and she really didn't need any improvements to begin with. So, Jordan, I think that we are definitley affected by how we think we should look. I can't wait to see how your essay will turn out.