Monday, November 12, 2007

Swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is truth and not fiction because the author, Harriet Jacobs wants it to be a completely truthful story. This is important because that means that she is not adding to the story to make people feel sorry for her or to make people believe that slavery was bad. She just wanted people to know what it was truly like being a slave. She says in her introduction that she doesn’t want to tell anything that isn’t true because she wants people to know the truth. She doesn’t want people to know the fairytale version of the story, she wants them to know the real story.
The editor doesn’t clean it up in terms of language or content because she understands the point of Jacobs story, she knows its about exposing the truth and by changing the story in anyway either by the content or even by the way that it is told, the story is no longer the truth. The editor talks in her introduction that she knows that Jacobs is not writing this just so that people feel sorry for her and other slaves, she says that she is writing it just so that the truth is out there for anyone who wants to listen.
Jacobs talks about how she changed the names in the story not to keep her identity secret but to keep the people around her safe. She cares about her family and wants them to be safe even if she is not. She puts others before herself which also shows how the book is the truth rather than a figment of her imagination,

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