Sunday, November 18, 2007

i don't understand ∴ i hate

Ellis’s story does offer a credible way to overcome this problem of racism and the misunderstanding of other races. Ellis’s story is credible because it is his own story that is being told. These are his words that he is speaking about his life, and the truth about his life. The fact that the ‘solution’ he is proposing is actually what happens to him, makes it credible. He is also truthful about what has happened to him. He talks about what it was like when he was a Klansmen and his progression into not only his coexistence with blacks, but his friendships he has man with many black people. By showing his progression and knowing his background it shows us that it did work at least once which makes it more credible that just an idea.
This idea did work at least once for C.P. Ellis, but the reason Ellis changed was not easy. He was a militant Klansmen and he was asked to represent them as a group. He had to be able to realize that he was being used so that the government would stay in control and neither the Klan nor the black people would be in charge. He was asked to work with a black woman. He didn’t like the idea, but he knew that by working with her he might be able to get his ideas into the school board. He said he didn’t look at her as a person, and didn’t know her until he realized that they had similar problems, ideas, and lives. He realized that they weren’t so different.
Unless someone goes through this process its doubtful that people would realize they had similarities with someone that they hate. They would have to be put into a similar situation as Ellis to realize these similarities. This would be hard to do on a large scale because of the fact that people are not the same and this one way will not work for everyone.

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