Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ohh the choices... what to do?

So, I am really having a hard time thinking of things I am truly interested in. I thought it would be easy to think up a problem, but all the things I come up with would have to have huge research projects on how to fix the problems. And I don't just mean that I would have to do a lot of research, I mean I would basically have to so some random chemistry or something to solve these problems. Therefore, knowing these were impossible problems for an English assignment, I decided to think on a smaller scale. The topics I came up with were:

The deterioration of the public school system
choice of school

Teen pregnancy rates
sex education

High school dropout rates
public vs private

body image in the media
self mutation
plastic surgery

Now, you can see that these are not small problems... think about what my other topic were. haha


Katie said...

Hey Jordan,

I had trouble trying to think of something I am interested in also. I am still trying to figure that out.

I like the topics of body image in the media, plastic surgery, and teenage pregnancy.

I have noticed that everyone on TV is normally skinny even though it shows them eating. TV never shows how people (stars) exercise or how they stay fit. This makes people want to look and be like them, which sometimes is bad because it can lead to anorexia in some cases (in order for someone to be skinny).

Teenage pregnancy could be an interesting topic. There seem to be more cases of teens being pregnant. It could be because schools do not educate them enough or they can not buy condoms for some reason. Maybe schools should hand out condoms so then teenagers are protected.

Good luck finding something you are interested in.

Kendal said...


So I know that I wrote about your idea of plastic surgery and body images in the media in my blog, haha but that is because I think you have great ideas. I will not end up doing it, I just needed something to talk about. Anyways, I really like all of the topics that you have here. I think that the teen pregnancy topic or the plastic surgery one would be the most interesting. The dropout rates of public versus private schools might be kind of dull, and you might not be able to write a very passionate paper about it. The plastic surgery one would be easy to find a lot of information about and you can really relate to being a teenage girl and seeing these "perfect" women in the magazines and on tv and how it affects you and your friends. The teen pregnancy one, you may or may not have a personal experience to write about, or stories you have heard. But I think both of those would be great topics for papers!