Friday, February 29, 2008

superiority✓ self expression✓ original thought✓

Wright feels gratitude after writing because he just did something for himself. He is happy with the story he created out of his own mind. Because of this pride, he goes to share it with the neighbor girl, who doesn’t understand why he would write something for fun. She still can’t understand why, even after he explains that he just felt like writing.
He likes that he did something that was his. Not many other people, and really no one he knew wrote just for fun. He feels superior, and important for this.
Before the discussion of this in class, I thought that the main reason he felt so satisfied was because it was his own work. It wasn’t something that he had been told to do. He is told what to do throughout his entire life, and he finally did something just because he wanted to.
I guess this still could be part of the reason, but after the discussion I see that it was more for the feeling of superiority.


Kendal said...

Jordana the lovely-

I for sure agree with what you said. I also think that he felt gratified because he felt superior for once. I understand why he would like that feeling of superiority after living the life he did. I think that what you said about him feeling gratified because it was his own work is also part of the reason. I think people do usually feel that way when they finish a good piece of writing.

I just want you to know that I love all of the titles of your blogs and the check points on this one just made it extra special. ;-)

And the blog dedicated the bball girls is fantastic

MDooley729 said...

I just got done writing this blog ( i know im like a week late). I had forgotten the class discussion and your blog reminded me of most of it. I wrote about Wright's feeling of superiority and had vaguely rememebered the mention of Wright's enjoyment from the fact that it was his own creation. I think that is also an important part to Wright's gratification. I think Wright has never really had somthing of his own and his story, his imagination, no one can take away from him. i think this is important to keep in mind while reading this part of the book. I think that his feelings of ownership don't play a part in why he feels gratified from the woman's response though (which you say in your blog).

p.s. i love the blog dedicated to us girls:)