Monday, February 4, 2008

jinx you owe me a coke

The first commercial that saw and knew that I had to write about was the Etrade commercial with the talking baby. It has a baby sitting at a computer talking at the screen like it’s a webcam and you are on the other end. The baby explains how he is making all of this money and investing in stocks, because he never could before Etrade. He says, if he can do it, being a baby, anyone can. And then, the baby throws up. First you are staring at the baby because you think, ‘Wait. Babies don’t talk.’ And then it throws up. You aren’t expecting that. The commercial uses the shock value that makes you think again. When you have to think again, you are more likely to remember what the product is.

The second commercial that I saw was probably my favorite. Granted I didn’t watch too many, because I don’t usually watch entire football games. Not even the Superbowl. Nevertheless, as I was switching back and forth from Iron Chef to the Superbowl commercials I saw the Coke ad that starts with James Carville and Bill Frist, a Democrat and a Republican, arguing over an issue when they both say the same word at the same time. Frist says, “Jinx, you owe me a coke.” They head outside to settle the debt. They set aside their differences and ‘bond’ over Coke, as if to say, Coke can fix anything. It can even bring together a Democrat and a Republican.
I just thought that this ad was very clever because they used known people from each party, to get the ‘celebrity’ appeal. You then also know that they are both hardcore leaders. Plus it doesn’t hurt that this is an election year. But I’m sure that wasn’t a coincidence.

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