Wednesday, February 13, 2008

around the town? pshh off the internet

Today I thought that everyone’s presentations were pretty different in a good way. I think its pretty cool that all of us found very different things to find rhetoric in. People used a variety of different stores, and things they really did find around town. I think the pictures that people actually took were more interesting, but some of the ones found offline were cool. Adds found online are usually really cool because you can search for exactly what you want, but when you find them in your life its pretty cool.
I do think that Alex’s (D) (R) rhetoric was really cool because he tied it back to his IC project. I hadn’t ever really thought about labeling people on the news as a rhetoric device. I just think of it as saying what they are. They are already labeling themselves because they declare what party they are, but I guess putting it in writing is different that just saying it.

1 comment:

Allie said...


So.. I agree with you. Day two's presentations were a lot different.. I felt like we as a class could have put a little more effort into this project and actually gone out to take pictures. I know I didn't but at least I actually witnessed all of mine. I think finding examples of rhetoric in our lives is much more interesting than looking them up on the internet. My favorite presentations were the ones that weren't pictures of stores, because they got boring after a while. Hopefully the remaining ones are good as well!