Thursday, September 20, 2007

watch the movie, dont read the book

Visual arguments can be more persuasive. Often times, an arguments could be well written, but if they aren’t written in a way that that certain person can understand and connect to, then it isn’t effective. Almost all people can connect to a visual argument. Its easy to see something put before you and to understand what it is telling you. As a visual society, we like to take the easy way, and just use the visual argument because you know just about everyone who sees it will understand it and agree or disagree. With a written or verbal argument, the audience may not understand what your claim is, or what your reasons are. Visual arguments are most likely equally as persuasive as a non-visual argument, but if given the choice of which to use, a visual argument may be more effective. Either one could be more persuasive, but the visual is more likely to get an audience.


Nick Randle said...

I agree that it is quite amazing how we can agree on a topic for once. It is very true that visual arguments have taken over our world. People find it easier to relate himself or herself to a photo, movie clip, or poster than to actually sit down and read a well-written argument. Both ways of arguing share the same value of persuasiveness. You can get the same information and view points from either of the styles. It all depends on which media you can relate to better. You make a good point about this in your blog as well. I personally would rather have a nice, thought out, written argument. I think I would get more information on that certain view, instead of having a picture thrown down in front of me. Feelings that the writer wants to express can be felt more clearly when written down. Nice job on your blog to this.

Tinyfirefly52 said...

I don't agree with you. I think that non-visual arguements are more effective to get a point across. Especially if the point is extremely subtle, haveing the agruement laid out where the reader can examine it for long than you could visually makes it much mroe effective. nice try..... but you're wrong :p