Sunday, September 16, 2007

lions, tigers and the AP Exam..oh my

The AP exam in the spring is a little nerve racking, mostly because its an unknown. We will practice all year, and become prepared for it. we can do practice problems and be told what is on it, but we still have never taken it before.
I think right now, I am fairly prepared for the exam because I obviously know how to read and can answer questions about the reading. The unknown part, is the questions that they ask. I think that by the time the exam rolls around there wont be much to worry about because we will have learned so much about rhetoric we'll be sick of it. I really dont think you can be scared of anything yet, because we arent that far into the year, and we havent learned nearly all of the things that we will need to know yet. If you asked me the same question closer to the exam, I would know if I needed to be worried or not.

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