Tuesday, September 18, 2007

pseudo or irrational?

This is an argument that has happened many a time, with this person who shall remain nameless. (but not really because who else would argue this with me?)

Me: Showing cows isn’t the same as showing horses.
Opponent: Yes it is.
Me: No, all you do is walk your cow around the ring.
Opponent: All you do is walk your horse around the ring.
Me: No, we don’t walk around the ring. There are multiple classes we enter, some we go around the ring to confirm soundness. Sometimes they are to see the way of going, others we jump courses. So, that is not the same as walking a cow around a ring.
Opponent: Yes it is, you just go around the ring.
Me: Do you RIDE a cow? No, I didn’t think so.
Opponent: That doesn’t matter.

Now, as you can see, this is clearly not an argument, because I am giving clear reasons as to why they are not the same. The other party is just using the same reasoning over and over. This is a pseudo argument because, it doesn’t go anywhere, and one side is irrational in their reasoning.


Lauren said...

That's actually a really good example of a pseudo argument. I had trouble trying to think of one myself...

The other party isn't open minded and you are basically trying to convince a brick wall that showing cows aren't the same as showing horses - which I'm sure is true.

Good Job Ms Krieble.
Oh and just wondering, might this nameless person be the famous cow showing nick randle... : ]

해성 said...

I think this is very interesting..
To me, pseudo argument is like an endless argument. It is very hard for two people to get to an agreement when they dont have a justifiable reason.