Thursday, September 27, 2007

D^2 diversity and discrimination

To Stephen Cruz, the American Dream is wrong because of the racism that controls the business industry. He talks about how he was always making a good amount of money and that he was always hired for jobs he was qualified for, but he also got them over an equally qualified person, because he was Mexican. I agree that this racism exists in the business world. Everyone wants to have a diverse group of employees because it makes them look good, and it makes them look like they aren’t discriminating. By picking people to work for you based on race (even if it is hiring and not firing) it is discriminating. Discriminating isn’t only when you do something bad to a certain race, its when you single them out for being that race. There may not be “racism” as much as there used to be, because more and more people are tolerant of other races, but they are still separating them, and using them to make their company résumé look better. By using diversity to make you look like you are diverse and tolerant, is just negating everything you are trying to do by hiring a minority. The stereotypes of races also play a big part in hiring for diversity. If its an accounting job, they are more likely going to hire the Asian, because Asians are good at math right? Or they might hire the Mexican because he will get along with anyone? Businesses want the outside to know that they have minorities working for them because it makes them look good, but they don’t let the public know that the minorities’ ideas may not be heard.


Kendal said...


I completely agree with what you have written in your blog. I really like the end of it, because it's true. People hire based on stereotypes, and they hire just to be diverse. It's really sad that this is a common practice in the business world even today. I still like to think that even though this still occurs, that it is slightly better than it used to be. In a perfect world this wouldn't exist. And people will always be discriminated against when it comes to jobs, it may be because of race, or because of gender.

Anonymous said...

You are both making good points here about the hidden problems of discrimination. However, you are glossing over the idea of 'not losing' and the problem Cruz relates to it.