Tuesday, January 27, 2009

really? this is ridic...

What are you talking about ‘its hard to predict the future’? Obviously, no one has asked me about my thoughts on the future. It’s quite easy to predict what is going to happen in the future. You decide what is going to happen, and then you personally have to make sure its going to get done. It’s that simple.
Anyway, the thing that I think is most relevant and no so far fetched, is the idea of abortion, and choosing and conditioning embryos. Technology is not too far away from allowing parents to choose the sex of their baby and what traits to pass on. This might be a while away, but I wouldn’t say its unreasonable.
Pretty much everything else is unreasonable. I don’t think we are ever going to condition everyone to think the same things and never rise in class systems. Especially in America, where we thrive on individuality and rising through the class systems. The most important people in our culture are the most ‘individual’ or ones who fought the hardest to find the ‘American Dream.’ We are too obsessed as a culture, and as people about being individuals. Now, we might not really all be individuals, but we like to think we are.
Also, as a culture, not just our nation, but I would say the rest of the world too, we feel that knowledge brings power. Brave New World, uses knowledge as power too, but it restricts knowledge for power. Now, we all want to learn as much as possible and want to know more than someone else to get ahead. We are too competitive to let others become in charge of us, and tell us what we are allowed to learn and not learn.
But I think the most ridiculous thing that wont happen is the loss of concept of parents. That was one of the most creeper concepts I thought. But I realty don’t think that will ever happen. It might become less personal, but I think the concept will always remain.

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