Tuesday, December 4, 2007

don't make the media my scapegoat?

Today the article I read was the opposite view that I hold. This article said that girls and even boys, do not develop eating disorders because of the media. They say that there are many other factors that lead to this. They do say, however, that the media can make people feel badly about their self image. The main point of the article was that the girls that are being treated for eating disorders have something else in their lives that are contributing to it. At the end of the article, there were short paragraphs from different kids ages 15 and 16, they all agreed that there was pressure in the media to be thin, and to look like the models.

see? even in an Anti article they agree with me.


STEVE "B.Will" Willliams said...

Hey gurl!
So I love your comment at the end of your blog about how even the anti articles agree with you lol.
I guess their arguement could be somewhat valid since other things can affect people's self images. Peer pressure can be a big factor for some people because they don't want to be the odd one out and have the pressure of looking "hot" lol. But in my personal opinion, this rebuttal (I think that's what it's called lol), isn't a very strong one. Since T.V. is a part of almost everyone's everyday lives, they are bound to see commercials and T.V. shows. The television business is all about attracting the audiences eyes and if a V secret commercial is on of course the are going to have a beautiful woman on the screen and not an over weight person. Those kind of images, that don't promote diversity in body type are the ones that persuade viewers to create a bad self-image of themselves. Kay good blog, nice job gurl. Nite!

Mei-Mei said...

I think what causes or fuels eatings disorders depends on the situation or person. Eating disorders stem from a poor body image, but what causes that can vary. A lot of people are heavily influenced by the media and develop eating disorders because of their desire to look like what they see on TV, magazines, etc. A lot of other people develop EDs for other reasons such as depression, anxiety, abuse, genetics, personality traits, and more. In these cases, I don't think that the media is the main source for the ED, but it can definitely add to it. That's just my opinion...

Kendal said...


I love that you end your blog with the see I'm right? thing. Well, as you probably already know, I agree with your opinion on this topic. This article does have some truth to it though. I think that there can be multiple factors in eating disorders. It could be the person's family pressuring them to be thin, or their friends or an actual image issue. But I do think that the media is the main cause of these eating disorders. It's really sad that some people hold themselves up to the standards that the media has set. Everyone is so different, every girl has a different shape and height, and their weight should be healthy. Just recently in the news, there was a photograph of Jennifer Love-Hewitt in a swimsuit and they labeled her as fat. But really, she just looked normal, and she shot back at the media by saying that she was not fat. Other stars are also starting to speak up about the photo as well. I think that someday soon this skinny image will start to be seen for what it really is, sick and not healthy or normal.