Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The greatest founding father? or greatest hypocrite

In History and in this picture it portrays Thomas Jefferson as an abolitionist and a good leader. History portrays Jefferson as a leader that does whatever is best for his country and does what he thinks it right. We are taught that Jefferson was this abolitionist that wanted to free the slaves and give equal rights to them. From history class, I know that he wanted to add the abolishing of slavery to the Constitution originally, but knew that it wouldn’t get passed with something so radical in it. He was also a slave owner, even though it was an economic move, and they were not set free until his death.

The picture shows Jefferson’s decedents being a mix of races, both black and white. This also makes you think that Jefferson was all for interracial marriages. You think that he would be proud that his decedents were interracial. When you read Notes on the State of Virginia, you see that Jefferson gears his writing towards his audience. He says that black slaves are inferior and are made to do the work on plantations, because they are athletic, and have the endurance to work all day. He establishes that they are different and that they are so different that they shouldn’t be intermixed with white people, people like him. He knows that slavery is not right, and wants the them to be free, but he doesn’t want them to be free where they can intermarry with whites. He wants them to have their own colony somewhere, so they can be themselves and be free, just far enough away from the whites as to not interfere.

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