Tuesday, December 11, 2007

*profanity* i think i am missing a blog

So, I think I am missing a blog. I think there was supposed to be one more 'blog about progress blog' than I have here. So, here is an update on my progress.
I decided, not to widen my topic, but to touch on the idea that media pushes people into what looks good in fashion ass well, to bring my point about body image closer to home. Some people do not think they are overweight but might think that the shirt they are trying on makes them look fat. Why do they think they look fat if they know they do not? It is the media that has told them that that shirt is unattractive.
And, considering it is Tuesday, I have finished my paper, and feel fairly good about it. I realized I forgot my bibliography, but its all good because I got it to LaMags.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Chat with LaMags, about how she is tight

Okay, so the chat wasn't about how LaMags is tight, but she is. The chat was about how I can't seem to find many people who disagree with me. There are some that say that there are other factors that contribute to body modifications, but also agree that the media is a contributing factor.
In this insightful chat, we talked about how the media influences people in fashion and what is 'cool'. I started to think that maybe I should widen my topic and talk about how the media infuences girls as people, and their roles in society, how they should look fashion wise, as well as body image.

ps. lamags can I do that?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

don't make the media my scapegoat?

Today the article I read was the opposite view that I hold. This article said that girls and even boys, do not develop eating disorders because of the media. They say that there are many other factors that lead to this. They do say, however, that the media can make people feel badly about their self image. The main point of the article was that the girls that are being treated for eating disorders have something else in their lives that are contributing to it. At the end of the article, there were short paragraphs from different kids ages 15 and 16, they all agreed that there was pressure in the media to be thin, and to look like the models.

see? even in an Anti article they agree with me.

Monday, December 3, 2007

dear media, please stop being one sided

So, my dear friends, I just read an article online about the media's effect on girls and body image. I article explained about how a child develops and how children, from the time that they are born start to base what they should look like by the way people react to them. It then says the as a child grows older and becomes aware of what societies standards of the perfect body are, they start to want to be like that.
The article gave some good stats to help my argument, 40% of 9 and 10 year old girls that were surveyed, had tried to lose weight. What child needs that pressure? The time that a girl spends watching TV and movies, has a direct correlation with how the girl feels about her body image. Reading magazines for teen girls or women also correlated with body dissatisfaction for girls.

The article also had another part to it about gender roles in the media and how the media presents girls as obsessed with boys, pink, shopping, clothes, dating, and other stereotypical girl qualities. The media uses these qualities to try to relate to girls. This even though it is a different topic, helps my argument because it shows how the media influences girls in other ways besides their body image.