Monday, August 27, 2007

How I Started to Write

Carlos Fuentes has a story telling style to his writing. He starts off by telling you in a descriptive manner, about his mother, and his birth. His story telling isn't in any way monotonous. He doesn't just state the facts and just tell you what happens. He shows you what happens, by explaining what they were doing, where they were, what was around them. In the opening, he talks about his mother at the movie, watching a silent screen version of an opera.

His style is also influenced by his Mexican heritage. He starts by talking about how he is a Scorpio, and how that exemplifies who he is as a person. I think this shows that he is proud of his background, or at least lets it influence the way he writes. By letting his background into his writing he creates a unique style that can't really be copied, because no one has had the experiences he has, to shape is writing style.

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