Thursday, May 21, 2009

this may be hard for you to hear but...

So a time when I felt like I couldn’t be myself. Or was myself…

I used to be really good friends with this girl. We did just about everything together. I’m pretty sure we both thought nothing was going to break us up. We laughed, we had fun, we joked around, we sang, we danced, we experienced life together. We were there for each other. Or, I was there for her. I soon realized that for this friendship to work I had to be fully aware and conscience of her feelings. (duh Jordan you are supposed to do that in friendships , right? Yes you are right, but I am talking about OVERLY sensitized feelings) The slightest thing would set her off. She would be upset. I found that we were no longer having fun, but that I was constantly altering what I did or said or how I acted in order to keep her happy. My extreme sarcasm bothered her, because it hurt her feelings. (sarcasm wasn’t her thing) She always thought I was making fun of her. I wasn’t. And she thought I wasn’t considerate of her feelings, when that’s what our entire relationship was. So I wasn’t really being myself. I was being the version of me that tended to someone else’s every emotion. Now try to tell me that’s not emotionally draining. haha

the fool.

Sooo I lost my short stories. And I knew one was one by Kate Chopin. So I read Beyond the Bayou. And I really really hope that’s it. But if it isn’t, its still by Kate Chopin so I will still compare it.

Okay so here we go. This story is similar to The Awakening because it is about a woman who is out of the ordinary. She is big and stronger than any man. They even call her “La Folle’, the fool, because they think she is crazy. She has lived almost all of her life in fear of what was beyond the bayou, and would never cross it. But when she is faced with the fact that she has to cross it or her beloved Cheri will die, she does it almost blindly. She closes her eyes and lets her senses guide her, out of fear. The fear is what drives her forward. The fear of what will happen to Cheri and the fear of what is ahead. This is a lot like when Edna swims out into the ocean because its empowering and no woman has done it before. She just keeps swimming. They are both very similar in that regard, but Edna dies as a result, and La Folle, conquers a fear.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So basically, she leads him to the tiger. Now I know that it doesn’t really matter which one he picks because he is going to be screwed over in the end. The point of this story is that you wont be happy either way. But anyway, she sends him to the door with the tiger. She knows that the lady is someone she despises and wont let her lover ever be with her. She would rather him die than let him be with her.
She also wants to punish the lady and have her be rejected.

This story was ridiculous. Not a fan. I don’t understand how it was six pages long. It could have been condensed into just one page. It isn’t that the story is so bad. It isn’t even that the message is that bad. Its just that they write what the message is at the end of the story. THAT RUINS THE MESSAGE. Saying what the message is ruins the message. That is soooooooo lame.