Thursday, April 3, 2008

older brothers stick up for the little sister

When I was little I learned the story of how Hansel and Gretel got lost in the woods and ended up in the witch’s house about to be eaten. I of course learned from it that I should follow the rules and not go into the woods when my dad told me not to. I can’t say that this was my favorite story when I was little, but I thought it was a good one that exemplified what a lot of stories I was told taught me. In the story, whenever something goes wrong Gretel just cries and cries while Hansel fixes everything and comes up with a plan. This story and many others told me that I was supposed to sit back and always let the boy take care of me. The brother, or the boy will always stick up for you. Of course now I have learned that I can stick up for myself, but before I was really old enough to think for myself this was what I thought. I thought the boy would just always stick up for you. I now know, sometimes you have to stick up for yourself, or even the boy.

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