Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ocean complexity

So basically this is how my mind is. Its not a storm. Its not even a calm before the storm and then a storm. Its not calm either. Its like, the ocean I guess. It comes in waves. Not that my mind works in waves, but that sometimes it is stable, like the middle of the ocean. And when nothing disturbs it and there is nothing but sunshine it its calm and smooth on the surface. Underneath, under the surface of the water there are fifty different currents going fifty different ways that no one ever really sees or thinks about.

Then it starts to rain, and the rain screws everything up because it messes with the surface, and brings the currents up and the waves start to crash, and its no longer calm and smooth.

The rain just drains the ocean. It is water that has been collected from the ocean in the first place, and has been waiting up in the clouds and now, it all comes back down and adds to the volume of the ocean. And then it can’t do anything else but crash on the shore at high tide.

Friday, April 10, 2009

cordelia the best child in the world.

Oh little Cordelia. Her dad banished her from the kingdom and now she is stuck being the queen of France. What a hard life that must be! I’m sure she has heard of the news that her father is being basically overthrown entirely by her sisters. Because she is disgustingly loyal she would probably want to help her father and let him know that she is still there for him and that he could stay with her if he wanted. She will still support him and recognize his Kingship, even if he really isn’t the king anymore. Why is she so loyal? I don’t know. I think its has to do with the fact that she is fairly naïve and young. She just wants to please her father.

She would tell her sisters that they were betraying their father and that they should be more respectful to him and that he doesn’t deserve to be treated that way. She is very protective of her father. Basically I jus think that Cordelia needs to get some guts and stand up to her father, and tell him to get over himself and do things for herself, but she wont ever do that.

oh hey 'dad' im just going to take your kingdom now...

Personally, I would say that the reason these girls have turned against their father is because he wasn’t really a father to them. The back-story that I made up basically goes like this. The first two girls are born. Lear is like, “oh cool I have daughters.” But in reality he really just is into being king, so the girls just see him as king. He is also probably more controlling and protective of them because they are his daughters, but there isn’t the love and the bond of father and daughter between them. So then when they are older and greedy and want the kingdom for themselves, they have no emotional attachment to Lear and don’t feel badly when they take over all of his power and take his knights and kick him out of their houses.

Then Cordelia comes along and she is the baby and is favored by her father and has a ‘normal’ relationship with her father and its treated like a daughter and not just some random girl that hangs out in the kingdom. The other girls are jealous that she gets this attention and then when they get their part of the kingdom they become greedy. And then they want power because they have been denied any sort of power before. And now they have a little bit and are going to stretch it as far as they can. And they have no real connection with their father as a true father so they have no guilt in doing this. So actually if you think about it, its all Lear’s fault. He could have prevented this in his early years as king if he would just have paid attention to his daughters.